Roller Coaster Dice

Roller Coaster Dice | casino gambling directory

By playing Roller Coaster Dice your objective is to guess whether the next roll of dice will have a Higher or Lower total than the last. It's very simple and fun to play. Look for this game at free online casino on the internet.

How to Play

  • Betting: first, by clicking on + and - you can choose the amount you want to wager.

  • Play: after betting, just click Play to begin the game.

  • Lower or Higher: two dice are rolled. Further, you have to guess the next result. If you anticipate that the next number (the sum of the dice, displayed and highlighted on the screen) will be higher than the previous one, then press Higher; otherwise press Lower.

  • Note: two 7's in a row takes you to the next level, no matter what you choose.

  • Levels: if your prediction is accurate, you advance to the next level (the game features 4 Chashout Levels, namely the 5th, the 7th, the 9th and the 11th roll).

  • Losing: if you choose improperly, the game is over and you lose your money.

  • Ending: level 11 is the end of the game. If you reach this level, you cash out automatically.

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