Card Sharks

Card Sharks | online casinoCard Shark is one of 10 free casino games from X-Power- Interactive and provides computational practice with a twist. Students must use higher-order thinking skills to create subtraction problems that have a difference close to a target number. Other versions reverse the rule so that students create subtraction problems with a difference further away from the target number.

Based on the TV game show of the same name. This c omputer version combines the fun of guessing at questions with the strategy of playing the cards, guessing whether the next card is going to be higher or lower than the current one. The player who wins the match gets to advance to the bonus round, with the potential to win big (virtually that is)!

Answer a question to win control of the board. All questions have a numeric answer, for example Michelangelo's age when he died or the number of calories in a cup of seedless raisins. Give a best guess, and your opponent then estimates whether the true answer is higher or lower than your guess. Whoever is closer gains the board.

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  Online Casinos

December 4, 2009 at 5:00 PM

Thanks for this info. Now I kinda get it how to play sharks. nice post!